Thank you runners

MRTT Little Black Dress Night

A new PR - 1:42:52 (and yes I wore the tutu for the whole race!)
I got my new personal record (PR) in the 1/2 marathon at the Whistlestop 1/2 Marathon in Ashland, WI last weekend! I ran a 1:42:52, which is over 13 minutes faster than I did my last 1/2, the Gary Bjorkland 1/2 Marathon in Duluth in June! I finished 80th overall out of 1206 finishers, 6th (out of 108) in my age group and 23rd overall for females (out of 805)! Most importantly, I felt like I was flying and I ran faster than I ever imagined I could.
At the Whistlestop 1/2 marathon finish line with all my fans (and JoJo)
Me, Jaclyn and Sara at the Gary Bjorkland 1/2 Marathon in June

While running is a personal accomplishment with personal goals, it would not have been possible without the help of so many people.

Thank you to the race day volunteers who are out there on despite the bone chilling cold and early morning time, supplying us with water and Powerade, and cheering for all of the runners.
Thank you to the pacers for keeping us on time and moving forward.
Thank you to my fellow runners for building an amazing community and inspiring us to run and meet that goal - faster, further, and stronger. (These pictures are only a few of the smiling faces I get to see every morning!)
Thank you spectators for cheering for the crazy lady in the tutu when you have no idea who I am. You gave me that extra push when I needed it most.
Thank you Duluth MRTT (Moms Run This Town) running club for meeting each week, no matter how hot or cold, how rainy or snowy, how dark or early. Our miles are filled with joy, laughter and encouragement. I couldn't do it without you!
Thank you to the Real Congdon Cougars for pushing me to show up on the corner of Aspenwood at 5am when I feel like sleeping in, for being me therapist and friend, and for texting me good luck and to say congrats after our big runs. Thank you for ladies nights and birthday parties. You ladies keep me sane and I am so lucky I found you! You know who you are.
Thank you to my family for understanding my goals and dreams, holding me accountable and being there to celebrate with me at each finish line.
Thank you to my husband for supporting me day in and day out, never complaining about my training and picking up most the chores because I fall asleep reading books to the kids by 8pm because of 5am training runs. Te amo mucho!

 MRTT training run selfies:

All my amazing Moms Run This Town ladies (minus a few) who ran the 1/2 marathon with me!

Little black dress and running shoes for the win!

My pacing buddy Tammy Licari!


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