
Showing posts from November, 2012

4 month video

Here's a 3-minute video of what our "El Jefecito" has been up to lately. Enjoy! (You may need to go to the blog to view it)

4 months old!

Fall colors at the Bloedel Reserve.  Can you believe it? I am four months old now and feeling pretty good. I had my well-child check up today and the nurse said I weigh 16 lbs. and 8 oz. (80 percentile) and I am 25 3/4 inches (77 percentile) long! They had to do it twice to be sure since I've grown so much since my last visit. I have discovered my hands and I love putting them and everything else they grab into my mouth. The doctor says I can start eating real food soon. Mmmm, steak? Maybe later... We had a lot of fun with Mommy's Macalester friends Lizz, David, Amy, Matt, and Martins last week. We took the ferry to Bainbridge Island and visited the Bloedel Reserve. Then we had lunch in Poulsbo and Martins made us dinner but I was exhausted so I fell asleep on his bed while the big kids hung out and got a little rowdy.  Thanks for visiting guys- come again soon! Mommy went back to work this week so I hang out with the nanny during the day. There will be an

Christmas card

Everything Is Merry Holiday Card Create photo new year's cards at View the entire collection of cards.   If you would like a Christmas card from us, email Seth or Katie your address. Thanks!

My First Halloween

"Trick or Treat!" My first Halloween! Life is good. We've finally got into a routine where I go to sleep between 9 and 11pm and sleep for 8-12 hours. I wake up bright eyed, smiling and cooing (not yelling), and when mommy comes in to pick me up I start kicking my legs and swinging my arms because I'm starving and I'm so excited to eat! We usually go back to sleep for a few more hours, our morning nap, while Daddy goes to work. Then I eat again and stay up for a few hours while mommy and I smile and play on my activity mat. I still dislike tummy time but I can stand up pretty well and my belly button is now an "innie" and not an "outie". I like looking at bright colored things and I especially LOVE watching TV! Daddy doesn't like that I watch TV because now he has to stop watching it when I'm around. I have my four month doctor visit soon and so we'll get to see how big I've grown. Mommy says I'm at least 17 lbs and 2