Fall Colors in Lutsen, MN

Carmel apple eating at Tait Lake
Sonnet 73
by Shakespeare

That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou see’st the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth in the west;
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death’s second self, that seals up all in rest.
In me thou see’st the glowing of such fire,
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed, whereon it must expire,
Consumed with that which it was nourish’d by.
This thou perceiv’st, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well, which thou must leave ere long.

Winter. Spring. Summer. Fall. We have officially lived in our home in Duluth for over a year and have survived (and thrived) for all four seasons. While there are things to love about each season, fall on Lake Superior's North Shore is one time of year that you don't want to miss. As the daylight shortens and the temperature drops, the leaves stop their food-making process and the green chlorophyll breaks down. Living in the very green "Evergreen state" for the past 6 years, I had forgotten about how the stunning the color are in autumn. The inland maple forests turn vibrant yellow, orange and red, while the white birch trees leaves turn golden yellow and orange. The warmer weather over the lake protects the trees along the shore from the early frost that starts the color change process so you have to travel inland a few miles to see mother nature at her finest.

Fall is also the time of year that we start to bundle up again: pull out the scarves and longer coats, hats and mittens, and wool socks and winter boots. We carve pumpkins and run around in funny costumes one last time before we all curl up by our fireplaces and escape to the comfort of our saunas for the winter. 

The last weekend of September, Auntie Annie, Grandma JoJo, Mommy, Theo, Marit, Evie and Josie drove up the North Shore along highway 61 to a cabin on Tait Lake in Superior National Forest outside of Lutsen, MN. It was late when we arrived and as we rumbled down the dirt forest road with our high beams on, we wondered what were all these small specks floating in the air. They started out as a few specks and then they were everywhere and we could hard see past them. What were these specks? Were they rain drops? No. A swarm of bugs? No. Ash from a fire? No. Little white snow flakes. In September. A mini-blizzard. So much for fall... this pumpkin-latte-drinking, corn-maze-walking, and carmel-apple eating and pumpkin-picking time of year is very short in the Northland and winter is coming! (A day after we left Lutsen Mountain got 3 inches of snow! I guess the ski season opener is just around the corner!) 
Lucca Cabin on Tait Lake

Starting on the Oberg Mountain hiking trail

Taking in the view of Lake Superior!

We had a lovely weekend with our favorite visitors while the boys (Seth, JP, and Eric) did their guy weekend activities (playing frisbee golfing, actual golfing and doing housework, respectively). We woke up early on Saturday and hiked around Oberg Mountain on the Superior Hiking Trail (SHT). The views were stunning and the big lake shimmered in the sunlight. The parking lot was filled by 9AM and when we finished the cars were lined up a mile down the street. There was a lot of bribing with fruit snacks and searching for the perfect maple leaf to keep the girls hiking along the 2.2 miles. Sherpa Auntie Annie wins the award for heaviest load (one kid in front and one on back). 
Marit and Mommy at Vista #1 on Oberg Mountain
Vista #2 on Oberg
Amazing view #3!
We enjoyed a lovely lunch on Lake Superior at Lutsen Lakeside Resort dining room followed by a trip up to Grand Marais to do some shopping while the kids napped in the car. We had dinner at Naniboujou Lodge in the old historic dining room and Marit spilled her hot chocolate all over herself. We skipped dessert and headed back to the cabin around 9 and promptly fell asleep. 
Evie, Marit and Theo searching for agates outside Lutsen Lakeside resort
Dinner at Naniboujou Lodge outside of Grand Marais
The next day we went to Lutsen Mountain and took the 8 person gondola to the top of the 1,000 foot Sawtooth Mountain and to the chalet with 100 miles views of Lake Superior. After a nice outdoor lunch, we hiked along the SHT spur trail and looked out over some of the steep double black diamond cliffs and played on the chair lifts. 

Checking out the views from the gondola
Theo checking out The Plunge - double black diamond ski run
Lutsen gondola and the fall colors
Lutsen overlook

Where are our skiis?!
Then we took the gondola back down and got to ride a double ski lift up to the top of Eagle Mountain to the alpine slide. Marit sat in my lap and we raced Theo along the half-mile twisting coursed down to the bottom. Marit kept saying, "Faster Mommy, faster!" 


Next, we headed to Temperance River State Park and searched for agates along Lake Superior before heading back to Duluth on Sunday evening. It was a wonderful week and we can't wait to do it again next year!
Temperance River
Ladies weekend (and Theo) at Tait lake

Theo's U8 Congdon Cougar soccer team had a great season losing only one game. He had fun playing with his friend Eilev but sometimes would prefer to play on the playground than in the game. He's not so sure he wants his Mommy to coach next year but overall he had fun. Marit enjoys both of her preschools and is making lots of new friends. Seth and I are finally recovering from terrible colds and sinus infections. I have my 2nd half marathon of the year, Whistlestop, on October 13th in Ashland, WI. We plan to visit some apple orchards and maybe take the ferry to Madeline Island. Most of the leaves will have dropped by then but hopefully the snow will hold off until after the race. 

More pics from the weekend:

Here we go a wandering along a mountain path...

Mommy and Marit enjoying vista #1

Theo and Marit hiking on the trail

Vista #1 on Oberg Mountain
Vista #2 of the lake

Vista #3 of Oberg Lake

Windy on Tait Lake

Girls and moms

Nervous and excited for their first gondola ride!


JoJo on the SHT!

Running back from the edge of the double black diamond

Who wants to take The Plunge?!

Being goofy on the chair lift 

Running back down the trail to the gondola 


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