My First Day at Hartley Nature Preschool

My first day of preschool
By Marit
Marit's first day of Hartley Nature Preschool

At Hartley Nature Preschool in her new butterfly dress by the butterfly garden
Spelling her name

The whole preschool class (Marit is in purple)

Marit, Maya and some of the other kids riding a train log
Playing in the playscape and making the list of their favorite things from the day

How are you feeling today? Happy!!

Marit and Maya rolling logs

Marit and Maya sliding down a muddy hill
Taking a foggy day walk at Hartley
Climbing on logs at preschool

After school all the kids came running home, threw their backpacks down, and ran outside to play. Just a typical afternoon on the neighbor's swing set - Marit, Isaac, Natalie, Daniel, Linnea and Theo
All about me:
Name: Marit "Ma-wit"
Age: "F-wee and one half"
Height: 3' 6.5"
Weight: 41.8 lbs.
Where do we live? "I can't think of what road we live in. Maybe in Lu-luth on London Road."
What city do we live in? "I not know the city."
How about what state? "No, I not know that either."
Moving on, where were you born? "No, I not know."
Who are your teachers?  I got no idea. I think Miss Kaitlin and Miss Maria at Hartley Nature Preschool and Miss Katie and Miss Tara at Hidden Valley
What did you learn on your first day of school? How to write my last name
What surprised you about your first day? I made 10 new friends today - Sissa, Krysta, Frissa, Chrissa, Alysa, Frisso, 2 Charlie's, and Cosmo.
What do you want to be when you grow up? An artist
What are you good at? Painting and making people pictures, riding bikes, doing puzzles, cuddling
What do you do for fun? Playing with Mommy, play on my tablet and watch TV
Who are your best friends? Amaya with long hair, Gracie and Sadie at Hidden Valley and Maya with pokey hair at Hartley
What is your favorite food? Mac and cheese, pizza, and cheeseburgers
What is your favorite color? All the colors
What is your favorite animal? Puppy, can we buy a little puppy? We need to buy a leash.
How do you count to 20? I can't count that high. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20."
What did you do this summer at the cabin? In fall the leaves change color.
Who do you love? Mommy, Dadda, Papa, Grandma JoJo, my cousins and my crying blankie and all my stuffies.
How old is your Mommy? 10
What do you love to do with Mommy? Play paint
How old is your Dad? 14
What do you love to do with Dad? Play play-doh
What do you love to do the most? Watch TV
What makes you happy? Riding my bike


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