Twin Harbors State Park

Sunset over the Pacific Ocean at Twin Harbors State Park
We got to go to the beeeeaaaa-ch!! I jumped in the waves and played in the sand. I found a few sand dollars and saw a live crab! We found some slugs on our hike that were gooey and sticky. I rode my scooter around the campground and used the public toilets with no accidents. We roasted marshmallows and grilled hot dogs and had a great time. The only problem was that I couldn't fall asleep in the tent. Daddy did the ol' put-me-in-the-car-and-drive-around-until-I-fell-asleep trick and then he carefully tucked me into my new sleeping bag. I would have slept in if it wasn't for the car alarm that went off at 6 A.M. Oh the joys of camping! It was a last minute trip but it worked out great and I can't wait to go again soon.

Walking along the nature trails to the beach
Sand dunes
Over the sand dunes and onto the beach

Jumping over waves
20 weeks - half way there!

Splish splash!

Running through the puddles

I found a sand dollar!

Look! It's alive!
Getting buried in the sand

Retrieving the fallen kite 
Roasting marshmallows over an open fire
Our overpriced, crowded, full hook-up RV least we had a place to pitch our tent.

View of the ocean along highway 105
At the top of the lookout tower in Westport, WA.
The Westport lighthouse, built in 1898.


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