Blowing out my candle! |
I turned 7 this week!
My friends - (Back row) Asher, Leo, William, me, Alden, (front row) Evie, Eilev, Marit, Natalie, and Johan |
First, I like pizza so I picked my birthday dinner at Clyde Iron Works in Duluth. Grandma JoJo, Auntie Annie, my cousins, Evie and Josie, and my sister, Marit, and Mom and Dad were there and we played giant chess and corn hole while we waited for our food. Then on Monday I had aquarium camp and after camp was my birthday party - a "camp out" at my house. I helped my mom pick out the theme but unfortunately it was raining so we moved the camp inside. Once the kids arrived we went downstairs into the dark basement where our tent and "campfire" was set up. We all got glow stick necklaces and we sat around in the tent. Everyone got an outdoor bingo board and then we headed out for our nature walk to find lots of nature things, like a rock, bird, stump, cloud, butterfly, and mushroom. Luckily we were almost home when we heard lightning and felt a few raindrops. Next we ate food, like hot dogs and lots of candy (Grizzly Bears, Live Bait, Dirt Cups, Fishing Poles, etc.) and had delicious campfire cupcakes for dessert. We went on a bear hunt through the house and played a game of "Do
Not Feed The Bear" (corn hole but with a hungry bear on the board). Alden got the most bean bags in the bear and won a prize. Then we watched a Pokemon movie and my friends went home. It was a 8 out of 10 star day (it would have been 9 if it didn't rain and we could roast marshmallows outside and 10 if we could have slept outside in the tent). I can't wait to open all my new lego sets and try out my new rock tumbler.
Camping out in the basement |
Nature bingo hunt |
Food for the "camp out" included grizzly bears, bait, dirt cups, fishing poles, hot dogs and camp fire cupcakes |
Food time |
Birthday fun |
Girls table |
Do not feed the bear bean bag toss |
Watching a movie |
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