Theo is 10

Theo is 10 years old. Theo made me a mom a decade ago (or 521 weeks or 3,652 days but who's counting?). We celebrated his 10th birthday in conjunction with a classmate and cub scout buddy, Andreas. The boys wanted a big group of friends to celebrate at Chester Park in Duluth because there was a Gaga ball pit there and a field for playing pick up soccer. Theo had a great time even though it was cloudy with a slight drizzle. Every kid (and parents) left exhausted after 3 hours of running around. The kids also went home with a personalized squishimal (the new beanie babies) selected by Theo. Theo and Andreas' birthday party at Chester Park Gaga ball game Getting ready to blow out candles Cupcake time! Presents! Theo has grown from a peanut at just over 5 lbs. to just over 5 feet tall! He's into many different activities and keeps us busy! A few of the winter activities include downhill ski racing, Cub scouts, piano lessons, swim lessons, indoor soccer, basketball, playing...