
Showing posts from November, 2020

Dear Studly Uncle Larry

Lawrence M. Rocheford Dear Studly Uncle Larry,  I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye. We are really going to miss you! You left us too soon and for that we are very sad. You were a pretty great guy. You loved spending time with your family - Beth, Lauren, David - and the Rocheford clan. I know I can speak for all of us and say we are going to miss your laugh, your great big hugs, your (sometimes inappropriate) jokes, your short texts and emails, your long thoughtful conversations, and most of all your endless love. We know that a part of you will live on in all of us. We promise to keep your memory alive and remember the good times we had with you.  While your death becomes another COVID statistic (101 COVID deaths recorded in MN on 11/26/2020), we know that you were so much more than that. Despite taking precautions with wearing masks and avoiding crowds, you couldn't escape the virus due to rising community spread. You had been in the hospital earlier in the week but tex...

Wear a mask

As COVID rages on, I found a little joy today in this little video. #wearamask

Biden beats Trump

"A return to civility," said an NPR reported today in response to what foreign leaders are saying about the announcement that Joe Biden beat Trump. "Trump was thorn in their side," he added. After spending over a year abroad in Peru and traveling in Australia and Europe, I opened my eyes to the impact that America has overseas. While living in our bubbles it can be easy to forget about the immense impact that our foreign policies and leadership have on the health and well-being of millions of people living outside our borders. The biggest election of a century (well at least in my lifetime) happened this week.  On Tuesday Nov. 3rd, 2020, the current 45th President, Donald Trump, amidst a global pandemic of coronavirus, was running against former Vice President under Barak Obama, Joe Biden. Sadly, election night was anticlimatic. Due to the pandemic, many people, including myself, chose to vote by mail. There were so many absentee votes that it took days and days ...