
Showing posts from March, 2016

Pastorius family photo shoot

My favorite photo of our family on the beach! We hired our wedding photographer, Sylvia Guardia, to take family photos while we were in Tamarindo, Costa Rica. She did a superb job! Seth, Theo, Katie, Marit, JoAnn, John, Dan, Evelyn, Anne, and Eric Mini-me The boys The Studly Uncle Dan

Marit is 15 months old!

Marit is 15 months old! It's funny how different things are with a second child compared to the first. How quickly time passes and how easily you forget things unless you write it down. I hardly have time to see the kids and so I maintain this blog as my way to "write everything down" so we don't forget. Most of these tidbits are all little things and even those that seem like a big deal, like when they got their first tooth, said their first word, took their first steps, aren't really in the grand scheme of life. Nonetheless, I usually kept track of one thing for Theo, and that was his age. I wrote it on my calendar and I would count his age in days for a while then it became weeks until he was at least 6 months old. Strangers would have to do the math when I said "28 weeks" and so at some point, I switched to months. I kept counting months until he was at least 2.5 years old. Well, things are a little different for baby #2. When Marit was born, we...