
Showing posts from April, 2017

October, November, December, January, February and March showers bring April flowers!!

Family pic at the tulips Marit by her favorite color tulips, PINK! This is the rainiest and coldest winters we have had in Seattle since moving here over five years ago. We had more snow (10 inches) in January and February than Minnesota! We are on track to beat some local records with the most days with rain (141 days since Oct. 1) and the most rainfall (44 inches since Oct. 1). Overall it feels a bit dreary and never ending rain but we hope for some sunshine this summer to make up for it. We'll see how the rest of the month turns out but all this rain for the past 6 months has made for some beautiful spring flowers (and big puddles to jump in)! The University of Washington has one of the most beautiful cherry blossom blooms in the country. We met there after work at the peak bloom. I love the pink, fluffy trees that resemble cotton candy surrounded by the tall gothic buildings of the University. Seth and the cherry trees Theo and the cherry trees Cherry t...