Greenwood car show

The Greenwood Car Show was yesterday three blocks from where we live on Greenwood Ave. Seth was out of town and would definitely have wanted to go but I had forgotten all about it. I was planning to take Theo to the zoo when we got stuck in our car and weren't able to cross the street because it was closed for the car show so I figured we might as well go walk around since it only happens once a year. Theo loved it; from the 1924 fire truck to the dozen vintage police cars and from the VW campers and buggies to the colorful classics - Mustangs and Corvettes. The Car Show is one of the top Seafair events and has been going on for over 20 years. There were over 500 cars and Theo had lots of fun posing in front of different cars (and eating his rice crispy treat). 1956 Kaiser Darren from the LeMay collection VW bus 1924 Fire truck Who wants to go to the beach? Riding in an old 1963 Metro Bus Driving the bus