Hiking along the Hood Canal
We spent President's Day weekend at a little cabin on the Hood Canal. I got to take my first ferry ride to Bainbridge Island and then we drove to a small town called Brinnon, on the Olympic Peninsula. We tried to rush out of the house to catch the 7:20pm ferry after work on Friday but we didn't get there early enough and had to wait over an hour because of traffic. We remembered almost everything, except the iPads, but sometimes it is nice to get away from technology for a few days and have limited cell phone service so you can be present with your family. Theo and I slept most of the two-hour journey and when we arrived, Theo started crying uncontrollably and we couldn't figure out why. Finally, he said, "Where did Grandma and Grandpa [Pastorius] go?" He thought we were going to their cabin in Wisconsin, poor guy (that was our fault for using the word cabin to mean two different places to a two-year old). He preferred to sleep in the pack-n-play rather than ...