Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving Dinner (shortly after a 9x13 inch Pyrex dish exploded on the stovetop destroying the amazing and much anticipated sausage and chestnut stuffing and sending shards of glass all over the kitchen, including into the much loved turkey gravy...) Giving Thanks, by Mommy This year we are thankful for so many things. It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activities and forget to reflect and remember what we are thankful for and the wonderful and fortunate life we live. I was recently reminded after the tragic death of the 7-year-old daughter of a good friend and mentor of mine that life is short. Her premature death reminds us about the things that really matter - family, friends and love. Sometimes, we need to slow down and enjoy the day. The sunshine. The company. Be in the moment and put down the devices and distractions. Forget about work, Facebook, or emails. Spend an few hours being present with those around us. I read a recent article in th...