
Showing posts from May, 2022

Safe Routes to School Bike fun

As part of the Parent Teacher Association at Congdon Park Elementary, I have taken on organizing the Safe Routes to School walk to school day in October, winter walk to school day in February and spring bike to school day in May.  I also coordinated a bike rodeo this year for the first time since 2019. It was a hit! The kids had so much fun and learned a thing or two about bike safety as well. It was great to have an outdoor, in person community event at the school since we haven't had many family fun nights in the past 2 years. The local mountain biking club, Duluth DEVO, came and set up a course with portable obstacles in the field and the gym teacher set up a safety course in the parking lot. We had 2 food trucks, fire truck, ambulance, mechanic and a bike raffle. So fun! Winter walk to school day Bike rodeo Bike rodeo Bike rodeo fun Over 120 kids biked to school in early May and it was on 35 degrees! Bike to school day donuts Theo's lunch table

Showdown at the Playground


Minnesota Ballet, Duluth Playhouse, Piano Recital and Cub Scouts

Minnesota Ballet The Minnesota Ballet is a professional ballet company in Duluth, MN and Marit was fortunate to take classic ballet classes there for the past year. She was in pre-ballet 3 and said she learned "Everything! First, second, third, fourth, and fifth positions." Next year will be old enough to audition for the big performances, likely the Nutcracker. She has learned so much and really enjoyed having an activity and getting to perform on the big stage with her friends.  Marit and her besties - Isla and Adrienne Rehearsal time! Playing duck, duck, gray duck before the final performance Leaping Duluth Playhouse The Duluth Playhouse School of Performing Arts is another great local resource. Marit took classes this spring with our neighbor and gained confidence auditioning for a part, memorizing a script, and acting on stage. She got the part of Deputy Maggie in "Showdown at the playground" and had a big part in scene 4 for a rock, paper, scissor show down be...

Highlights from the feeder

Did you know there are over 800 species of birds in North America? While we haven't come close to identifying but a fraction of them, here are some of our favorite friends migrating through Northern Minnesota this year.  This spring, we've be greeted by dozens of birds at our backyard feeder, particularly a large flock of common red poles, pine siskins, and goldfinches. Every morning, we wake to their calls begging for us to put out the feeder. Sometimes there are a dozen birds, mostly red poles, resting on the deck ready to be the first one at breakfast. Red poles are small, social birds often in flocks up to 100 but quite hierarchical. The pine siskins, a type of finch, are similar size but with yellow on their wings and are more aggressive and peck at the other birds. The black-capped chickadees are year round residents and are friendlier than most. The red-breasted nuthatches are the smallest and are in and out in only a few seconds. Pairs of dark-eyed juncos, robins and sq...