Theo turns 9
Theo started 3rd grade at Congdon Park Elementary in fall 2021. He is 57 inches (4' 9", 95th percentile) and 72 lbs (76th percentile) with a BMI in the 40th percentile, hence his soccer friends gave him the nickname "skin and bones." For his birthday this summer we decided to take a few kids to Duluth's Zero Hour Escape Rooms. Theo and his friends were "trapped" in a sinking ship on Lake Superior and had to solve two dozen riddles, locks and codes to escape to the lifeboats. They had so much fun and made it out just in time! We went back a month later to do another escape room. He started last year in hybrid learning for 2nd grade and then was in distance learning with Seth for a few months before going back in person. He jumped ahead a grade in math and gets speech help to help him slow down when he talks and pronounce his "R's, S's and Z's" properly. He was officially diagnosed with red-green colorblindness (deuteranopia)...