Marit's 9th birthday

Watching the northern lights
Happy 9th birthday Mar Mar!

We had a fun time celebrating our baby's 9th birthday! First, she opened presents from family at home and went out to her favorite restaurant, Hanabi, for sushi. 
Sushi dinner, yum!
Then we had a sleigh ride (turned hay ride given lack of snow) at Countryside Rides with her classmates and friends. It was a super fun birthday party!

Party kids

All aboard

Marit in the front


A fun tradition we do is to ask the kids some questions on their birthday and write exactly what they say.
Here is Marit on her 9th birthday:

What are you really good at? Art and ballet
What is the most special thing you own? Blankies, Mommy and Daddy and Theo
How would you describe yourself in three words? You describe me
What are you thankful for? Family and holidays
What do you like to collect? Snow globes and seashells and squishmallows
What makes you happy? Mommy and Daddy
How do you show you are happy? By smiling
What makes you sad? When Mommy is gone
How do you show you are sad? By frowning and getting upset
What new food have you tried recently? Steak
What would you like to learn to do before your next birthday? Be better at snowboarding 
What do you love most about yourself? The face
What do you like to play or do with your friends? I like to talk and play 
What is a book you enjoy reading? "What is the Bermuda triangle"
What is a word or phrase you say all the time? "No" or "I don't care"
Name something you love about our home. My bed
What is something that is easy for you to do? Ski
What is something that is hard for you to do? Snowboard 
What is something new you did this year? Snowboarding and horseback riding 
What is a subject you enjoy learning about? Art
What was the best thing about being 8? I don't know 
What are you looking forward to about being 9? Snowboarding 
If you had 1 million dollars, what would you do with it? Buy a squishmallow VIP ticket at one of those expos and buy a lot of squishmallows and buy more video games like animal crossing 
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Talk to animals 
If you could have any animal for a pet, which animal would you choose? A puppy
If you had to change your name, what new name would you choose? I don't know 
What were you for Halloween this year? Elf
What do you want to be for Halloween next year? I don't know 
What was the best place you visited this year? California 
How did you celebrate your birthday? I celebrated with my friends by going to Countryside rides. We went on a hayride through the woods. We celebrated with family. For my actual birthday we went out for sushi.
What job do you want to have when you are older? Nurse
Tell me a good joke. "Why did the cow cross the street? To get to the moo-vies!"
What was your greatest success this year? Nutcracker performance 
What did you fail at this year? Snowboarding 
What did you learn from that failure? It was a long time ago.
If you could learn a new language, which language would you pick? Spanish
What is the best gift you gave someone else this year? Socks 
What is the best gift you got? Squishmallow blanket and ballet barre
Who is someone you admire and why? Mommy
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Make it a better place
Describe what your perfect day would look like. Sleep in until at least 930 then play technology and eat pancakes. Then go shopping and go to lunch (just Mommy and I) and go shopping and go eat at a fancy restaurant and then go back to bed. 
What country would you like to visit? Hawaii (state) and Iceland and Paris, France
What is something that annoys you? Theo
What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? Water skiing 

More birthday party pics:

Cutting the cake

Happy birthday Marit

Marit and Natalie

Pin the tail on the horse

Party table

Party table

My first hay ride!

Petting the horses


Neighbors Flannery and Natalie


Grandma and Grandpa Pastorius and Weber cousins

Guinea pig singing card

Matching outfits with cousin Evie

Thank you Grandma

Thank you Grandpa

Minnesota Ballet Nutcracker ballet pics:

Prelude singing performance


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