Minnesota Ballet, Duluth Playhouse, Piano Recital and Cub Scouts

Minnesota Ballet

The Minnesota Ballet is a professional ballet company in Duluth, MN and Marit was fortunate to take classic ballet classes there for the past year. She was in pre-ballet 3 and said she learned "Everything! First, second, third, fourth, and fifth positions." Next year will be old enough to audition for the big performances, likely the Nutcracker. She has learned so much and really enjoyed having an activity and getting to perform on the big stage with her friends. 

Marit and her besties - Isla and Adrienne

Rehearsal time!

Playing duck, duck, gray duck before the final performance


Duluth Playhouse

The Duluth Playhouse School of Performing Arts is another great local resource. Marit took classes this spring with our neighbor and gained confidence auditioning for a part, memorizing a script, and acting on stage. She got the part of Deputy Maggie in "Showdown at the playground" and had a big part in scene 4 for a rock, paper, scissor show down between the Mayor and the new gang. She looks forward to taking a summer class and performing in Aladdin this summer. 

Marit and Natalie after the "Showdown at the Playground"

Setting the rules for the rock, paper, scissor contest

Ready, set, throw


Theo is in his 3rd year of piano but this was his first piano recital as the others have been on zoom during the pandemic. He scored a "superior" on his theory and "excellent" in his performance at the spring contest. Marit just completed her first year of lessons. They are both doing great and really enjoy learning more challenging pieces. Marit said she felt shy but did a great job playing "I like you," "Mrs. Murphy's House" and "Sing along" without any major mistakes. Afterwards she felt very happy. We might have to buy a real piano to replace our keyboard. Our middle school has a music requirement - orchestra, band or choir - and reading music is an important language skill. 

Cub Scouts

Cub Scouts is another activity that the kids have been involved in since kindergarten. I helped as den leader for Theo for a couple years. The past two years, I have been the den leader for Marit's grade, currently Tiger scouts. The big March pack meeting is always the pine wood derby. I was very proud of the kids of doing 100% of their cars by themselves this year. They designed, cut, sanded, painted and put on the wheels by themselves. Theo's won 1st place in his den and Marit's pickle car was definitely not the fastest but it won "fan favorite" as voted by the attendees. Theo was also one of the top popcorn sellers this year and was invited to go to the MN Coast Guard base and MN National Guard Armory to donate popcorn to active military members. Theo likes all the adventures he gets to do, being part of the community and seeing lots of his friends. Marit likes the pinewood derby and raingutter regatta and doing things in nature. 

Touring the Duluth police station with scouts

Checking out the MN National Guard Armory

Driving a humvee

Trying out night vision goggles

Suite seats at the UMD Bulldogs hockey game with scouts

Bulldog mascot

Behind the scenes tour close to the action down on the ice


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