Holiday Festivities 2018

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato
Theo getting ready to sing at the Congdon Park Holiday Program
I think listening to music, learning to sing, and playing an instrument are important skills for the developing mind. Music is like learning another language; music is a universal language and it is all around us. I grew up dreading piano lessons and lying about how many hours I practiced violin (and later the viola) but I am very appreciative that I can still read music and appreciate the dedication and commitment to master a song and courage to perform in front of a crowd. 

Last week, Marit had a holiday party at Hidden Valley Preschool where parents were invited to come play at school. Marit made us a little ornament and she enjoyed showing us around her school. Weekday events can be difficult for me to attend but luckily I had a half day of cardiology clinic and was able to sneak out from 11:45-2pm to make it to the last 10 minutes of Marit's party and then quickly head over to Congdon Elementary to watch all of Theo's Winter Holiday Program. Each grade performed three songs from around the world to a gym full of parents, grandparents, teachers and staff. While there was a heavy Christmas theme, I was impressed that there were a few other holidays and languages featured, too. We also got to enjoy some solos from 4th and 5th graders - everything from the piano to ukulele and violin to vocals. Theo did a great job with his "special job" in the "Uno, dos, tres" song. He is in the top left of the risers; is it a big surprise that he's the tallest kid in his class? Seth broke the news to him that he will forever have to stand at the top of the risers and he seemed a bit disappointed. I was a very proud Momma and I was so impressed how they got all these kids to perform together! I hope you enjoy the performance too (click the youtube video below).
Theo singing

Press play to watch 2 of the songs from the 2018 Holiday Program (1st song starts at 1:15):

Last Tuesday, I took the kids to Duluth's famous Bentleyville free holiday light and music show. It has been one of the warmest Decembers so on a balmy 36 degree night we decided to check out the 20 acre park with over 5 million lights in downtown Duluth. The kids enjoyed seeing the lights of different characters playing various winter sports, like curling, hockey and skiing, as well as seeing the giant Christmas tree timed to various Christmas carols. Marit insisted that we visit Santa (again) and of course we tried roasting marshmallows but we burned all of them in the hot bonfires. 

At work I signed up for the cookie exchange, which I later learned required baking 8 dozen of the same cookie and then exchanging them with a dozen or so coworkers. The kids were amazing helpers to make the shapes and decorate sugar cookies. We only used 12 sticks of butter and they were a big hit!

Siblings fighting over the rolling pin

Do you like my cookie?

Yummy cookies!

Marit's holiday party at Hidden Valley Preschool

Marit and her preschool friends opening their presents

Marit giving Mommy a present

Marit made me an ornament for Christmas!

More from Theo's concert
The first kindergartener to walk across the stage

Theo getting ready for his special part

"Look what I made?"

Theo's tree collage at school


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