My first day of school

Theo on his first day of kindergarten
My first day of school
By Theo
"How was your day?" Grandma asked.
"Goody, goody, goody! Easy as a piece of cake!" I replied.
Kindergarten was fun! I had a great first day at Congdon Elementary in Duluth, MN. You will probably be scared on your first day, I was at first. Mommy walked me down to the bus stop by Leo's house and I got on the bus right away.
My neighbor and classmate, Leo
Bus stop
Bye Mom!

My next door neighbor, Daniel, told me that the Kindergartners can only sit in the front and middle of the bus but not in the back so Natalie and I sat in the front. Then my friend Eilev got on the stop after me and I asked him to sit by me. He did. It made me feel happy. My mom had packed some cereal for me to eat on the bus but he told me we aren't supposed to eat on the bus. We got off and I had to walk to get in the kindergarten line outside the school. When the bell rang we went inside and I went to the top of the stairs then Theo didn't know what classroom to go to and Theo was lost. Then Theo saw my Mommy and she helped me find my classroom [phew].
Finding my locker at school
My soccer teammate Zoe has a locker right next to mine!
I went to my locker. It was cool. It was next to Zoe from my soccer team. I put my shoes and stuff in there. Then I found my seat and played with blocks.
Zoe, Connor and I are at the same table!
Then we went outside but they wouldn't let us climb up the climbing thing. It was fine with me. Then we had lunch in the cafeteria. I had to wait at a special door, get a tray and we had hamburger, fruit, beans and potato blocks and chocolate milk. I ate everything. They told me what table to sit at. For snack we had brownies shaped like a school bus with yellow frosting. Then we had play time and I played with blocks with some other kids. I know 3 kids names in my class - Ansel, Leo and Zoe. When the teacher rings the bell, we have to freeze and when she snaps her fingers not three or four times but only two times, then we have to clean up. "Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere. Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share." I hate that baby song but they sing it in Kindergarten too! Then after playtime, we got our special bags from Miss Hill and then the 5th graders came and walked us to our bus. There were older kids holding the bus number signs, maybe 4th or 5th graders. There are over 600 kids in my school but I have my own special spot on the carpet in Miss Hill's room. What surprised me most today was the inside of the bus. I didn't know what it would look like. The bus was big and yellow and it wasn't like a city bus, it was like a school bus. My least favorite part was learning the rules in gym class but not playing in gym. My daddy and neighbor Joel were waiting for Natalie, Daniel, Leo and I to get off the bus at our stop. I had a great day!

All about me:
Name: Theodore Benziger but I like people to call me Theo.
Age: 6
Height: 4'2" (98th percentile)
Weight: 51 lbs. 12.9 oz. (79th percentile)
BMI: 14.6 (26th percentile)
BP: 102/57, HR 83
My family is so good - my mom, my dad, my sister is 3 and she is mean to me sometimes and tells on me. My summer vacation was goody. I liked to go to my cabin, well actually it is my grandma and grandpa's cabin by the lake. I took an airplane this summer I think to Florida, or New Orleans, or no I think it was New York but we drove to see Cece and jump in the ocean. I can't remember. I had camp too - Hartley and UMD. I didn't like the UMD camp because on the last day we had to watch that movie with the boy who goes to the skeleton world - Coco - and it was raining all day. The best part of summer was playing in the cul-de-sec with my friends - Natalie, Daniel, Eilev, and Isaac. We have lots of kinds in the neighborhood and I like to play and bike around with them.
Trouble makers
Playing duck, duck, goose in the cul-de-sac at the national night out/block party

Hidden Valley block party kids

I also like playing on U8 Congdon soccer - we win again 6-1! My mommy is the coach. When I grow up I want to be a scientist, mailman, artist or ocean-ologist. I love my mommy, daddy, Marit, painting, collecting rocks, and finding money on the ground. Someday I am going to get a cabin and get someone to build a zip line and giant rope swing into the water for me. The end.


  1. Sounds like a fabulous first day in kindergarten!

  2. Good grief you are so lucky to have this wonderful articulate boy! Enjoy, enjoy. I love that one of the things he wanted to be was an artist!

  3. Good grief you are so lucky to have this wonderful articulate boy! Enjoy, enjoy. I love that one of the things he wanted to be was an artist!

  4. Good grief you are so lucky to have this wonderful articulate boy! Enjoy, enjoy. I love that one of the things he wanted to be was an artist!


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