Red, White, and Blue

Benziger family 4th of July 2018!
Happy 4th of July!
It's one big (mostly) happy family!
Mommy and "Uncle Sam" (one might think he was the model for those old iconic posters)
It is always hard when the 4th of July, our nation's independence day, falls on a Wednesday. Do you celebrate the weekend before? The weekend after? Where are the fireworks on the 4th? This year we got to celebrate a couple times as we spent a few days at the lake the weekend before and then got to see the fireworks on July 5th in Duluth, which were delayed from the 4th due to bad weather and then return to the cabin for the weekend to see more fireworks on July 6th and participate in the boat parade with 25 other floats on Saturday July 7th. 
Aerial lift bridge lit up on the 4th of July

Grand Finale over Lake Superior
It was an exhausting week but the kids had a great time! This holiday is special in our family because Auntie Annie was born on the 4th of July and it has become bigger than a birthday or Christmas celebration in our family as the weather is usually beautiful and we are all together having fun on the water at the lake. Marit stayed at the lake the whole week while Theo, Seth and Mommy had to go back to Duluth. She had fun at the lake with Grandma JoJo and Papa John and all the cousins swimming on the Maui Mat and jumping off the water trampoline. She loved the inflatable water ski and will be skiing behind the boat in no time!

Ladies (and Theo) on the 4th!
Theo learning how to paddle board

JoJo and Papa out for a nice sail on Balsam Lake

Marit jumping off the Maui Mat

Theo practicing diving off the Maui mat

Driving the pontoon

Balsam Lake ski show

Balsam Lake ski show

Going off jumps

360 jumps


Grand finale pyramid at sunset

Great blue heron in a tree

Sunset on Balsam Lake

Loon family
Love the loons!


Take 1

Take 2

Who's driving the boat?

"Theo, carry us"

Playing a game with Auntie Rita

Girls love their Papa

Robin's nest an baby robin

Theo trying to learn how to water ski

Fun on the water trampoline

Yay for friends at the cabin! Greta and Ethan Kruger

Our many many attempts at a family picture... I think if you stitch them together you might get one where everyone is looking.

Hi neighbor

Studly Uncle Larry and Grandma Jojo

Evie and David

Who gave her a beer?

Cute Rocheford family!


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