On death and dying
Uncle Jim, Aunt Rita and me On death and dying and the five stages of grief As a medical professional, I face life and death as part of my daily routine. When I was an internal medicine resident, I always had a "black cloud." A black cloud meant that whenever I was on call, I always got the most admits and the sickest patients compared to any other resident. I figured I got lots of learning by being busy but it also meant I had lots of practice at having end of life conversations. After a while, talking about death is something that you don't even think about. It is like getting dressed in the morning or brushing your teeth, it become a part of every day routine. Unfortunately, we don't often have time to sit down and reflect on death when it does happen because we are rushed off to see the next patient or do the next procedure. Just last week, I was involved in the care of a critically ill patient in the intensive care unit and the patient was talking to me...