Trick or Treat

My first Halloween, by Marit
Marit with PEPS buddies for Halloween brunch

A parent from PEPS asked Theo was he was for Halloween and he replied, "First, my was a ghost, then my changed to Lightning McQueen!"
"Why?" They asked.
"My was tripping on my ghost outfit and it was soaking wet so my wanted to change."
It's true, my 3-year-old brother is high maintenance and had not one but two Halloween costumes. Daddy and I had to go get his second outfit half way through trick-or-treating. Good thing we were only a few blocks from home and Theo could continue with his buddies, Elliot and Henry, who went as a ceiling fan and a dragon, respectively. The boys took turns ringing the doorbell and running door-to-door. Theo would grab the candy, yell to Daddy and I, "Look what I got," and then Daddy would kindly remind him to turn around and say, "Thank you," before running to the next house. He was totally into it. Theo's favorite part about Halloween was "Everything!" However, going trick-or-treating and eating candy were definitely highlights. "Every different kind of candy, I can't remember what kinds I even got because I got so many." He said. I, on the other hand, was stuffed into two oversized costumes as well with parts that went over my head and I did not approve. Next year, I get to pick out my own costume! Mommy was sad to have missed all the Halloween activities as she was busy working at the hospital. Maybe next year! We missed her!

Marit (10 months) as a strawberry and Max (9 months) the pumpkin at the PEPS Halloween brunch

Theo carving pumpkins with Henry - "Eww, this is slimy stuff!"
Getting ready to go Trick or Treating with Henry the dragon, Elliot the ceiling fan, Theo the ghost, and Marit the pumpkin

Happy little pumpkin

Theo in his tough guy Lightning McQueen costume from the movie Cars

Lightning McQueen costume at Janet's daycare with the other kids - Hudson, Delphine, Grayson, Elliot, Theo, Walter and Parker
Jumping on the couch in their costumes

Sibling Update
Watching the water fountain at the Space Needle

Marit 11 month Development
I balance without holding on. I jump up and down in my crib. I walk eight steps at a time. I fearlessly climb stairs until I reach the top. I give endless wet sloppy kisses. I demand to eat what the "big people" are eating. I drink from a sippy cup and put it on the table when I am done. I am a bottomless pit and ate three scrambled eggs for breakfast. I watch Theo and want whatever toys he has. I destroy the train table whenever I get the chance. I prefer to be naked. I love the remote and Mommy's smartphone. I rock back and forth in my high chair while I'm waiting for food. I have four teeth and had a few restless nights when the top two came in last week - ouch! I tackle Mr. Bear and I pull books off the shelves. I empty Theo's drawer of cups, bowls and plates onto the kitchen floor. I pull the table cloth if I want something off the table. I don't like wearing shoes. I play with my friends, Izzy (22 months) and Elle (18 months), during the day while our nanny, Anne, watches us. We like to dump out all the play food and kitchen stuff. I speak a few (almost) comprehensible words, like "Momma," "Uh-oh," and "Bye-bye."

Theo's almost-3.5 year development
"That's not how it works" is Theo's new favorite phrase. Second only to, "Don't talk to me like that," which he retorts after Daddy asks him to please wash his hands after going pee-pee. Who knew it was so offensive to ask a 3-year-old to wash his hands. He's a good conversationalist and likes talking on the phone or iPad on Facetime (and don't immediately hang up). He's very sweet to my nanny share friends, Elle and Izzy. He likes racing his new cars that came with his car carrier from Aunt Margo and Uncle Vince and he doesn't let me touch them. He spends hours playing with Thomas the Train and friends and is getting better building the tracks himself (after I break them apart). He is getting very good at playing board games, like Chutes and Ladders, Sequence for Kids, and the Memory Game. He enjoys making towers from his Lauri tall-stacker pegs (and I like knocking them down). He is a good helper in the kitchen, especially when Mommy makes Ghiradelli brownies. He's become pickier and tries to refuse anything that appears to be a vegetable (especially green ones) so I end up eating his left-overs. Overall, he's a great big brother and generally very helpful and only sometimes hurts me but I hope to be big like him some day.


After. Time for a bath!
Hi sweetie!

Water fountain at the Space Needle

Watching the water fountain at the city center

Northern Flicker (member of the woodpecker family)

Mountain Jay

My little boy

"My not smiling"

The built-in pack-N-play

"I'm NOT tired!"

Averie (8 months), Greta (10 months) and Marit (10 months) - PEPS girls

PEPS kids - Otis, Theo, Henry and Lilian

Looking sharp in his new jacket from Cousins Tom and Cole


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