The end of summer 2015

Staying up late and watching the sunset at Rays Cafe for Grandpa's birthday.
Grandma and Grandpa Pastorius kindly came to watch us last week. We had lots of fun - we went to the zoo, Carkeek park, Green Lake wading pool, Seattle Sounders game, Seattle Aquarium and scooting around the lake. I got to watch a movie and stay up late. Grandpa worked hard to re-paint all three bathrooms and did an excellent job (if only Mommy and Daddy had picked the right color the first time...) It was Grandpa's birthday and he got to go to the Seattle Sounders vs Portland Timbers soccer game with Mommy and Daddy and enjoy a beautiful sunset at Rays Boathouse overlooking the Olympic Mountains and the Puget Sound. We will miss them but look forward to seeing them again at Thanksgiving!

Happy baby - 8 months!

Headed to the Sounders game

Pregame hotdogs

Stylin' at the Sounders game

Go Sounders!

Playing frisbee at sunset

Just me and my man at Golden Gardens beach

Reading books before bed

So happy (not taking the bottle)

Scooting and walking around Green Lake

On our walk around Green Lake

Going for a walk by Green Lake

Marit, Theo and Endre


The best babysitters in the whole world!

Incredible sunset at Rays Cafe

Worth the wait!

Grandpa's birthday dinner #1

Grandpa's birthday #2

Monkey's at the zoo! How many can you spot?

Marit - 8 months
Marit is on the move! She started crawling 2 weeks ago and went from 2-3 slow crawls before head planting into the floor or stopping to sit up to know she is moving quite quickly the whole length of the house! We put up the baby gate today after Grandma JoJo and Grandpa Pastorius left and there weren't as many people around to watch her. Her favorite object is either me or Mommy and she watches us like a hawk and always wants to be by us. She also is highly motivated by the train table and can lift herself up and pull my train's off, which I do not approve of! She wants pretty much any toy that I am playing with. She pulls herself up on all the furniture, including the coffee table, crib, rocking chair, couch and on Mommy, too.
Happy baby Marit!
She is eating more solid foods and picking them up with her hands, including avocados, bananas, and raspberries. She also loves her baby yogurt, sweet potato, and pretty much anything that does not come in a bottle (which she still just plays with and doesn't suck on). She started baby sign language and has mastered the most important sign, "More" which is where you put your hands together and basically clap. She also started vocalizing more and often says, "Mo-mo", for more but is very similar to, "Ma-ma". She enjoys her parent-tot swim class and I get to swim in the big kid 3-year-old class at the same time. She also loves her jump-a-roo and can jump non-stop for nearly 30 minutes. She still takes 2 naps - each 1-2 hours - and sleeps around 11 hours at night without waking up. Overall, a very happy and good natured baby.
Swim lessons!

Theo - 3 years
I have warmed up to being in swim class without Mommy or Daddy. My teacher's name is Helen and she is very sweet. We practice back floats and kicking and I like wearing my goggles Mommy got me.
Mommy says, "Whoever said 'Terrible twos' never had a three-year-old!" I am defiant (always say "no" even when I mean "yes") and I am a negotiator ("Let's read 2 books," says Mommy. "How about 3?" "No, 2" "No, this many [holding up 3 fingers]?"). These are qualities that I'm sure will suit me down the road but right now they drive Mommy and Daddy coo-coo.
I am also quite demanding. Last week he got out of bed to tell us, "My want that door cracked." And then, "Daddy, my music box not turning on. My think it ran out of batteries. It needs to get new batteries, RIGHT NOW. I need to take my music box out of my bed and my will come right back. You need to go to the store RIGHT NOW."
It is nice when Mommy calls when she is leaving the hospital, or "OS-pill" as I call it as this is a very hard word to say. I ask her "Mommy, you coming home now? You want to play with me in the playroom when you get home?"
I am getting stronger and stronger. I like to climb up on Daddy when he is standing like a mountain goat! I can even climb so high that I can touch the ceiling. I'm starting pre-school at Miss Janet's after her 2 week vacation and I am excited to see my friend, Elliot, Grayson, Hudson, Parker, Delphine, Iten, and Huck but we will miss Thomas, who is off to kindergarten!

Pictures from my 3rd birthday!
Theo tasting the cupcakes he was making for his birthday.

Theo's 3rd birthday at Carkeek park.

Blowing out his candle

Yummy homemade cupcakes

Siri and baby Marit

Family pic

Opening presents, say "Cheese"!

At the Woodland Park Zoo
At the zoo, checking out the map and where to go next.

Lovely little lady and her da-da

The new tigers at the zoo

The future veterinarian listening to the bear's heart

Checking out the tigers ears

Feeding the baby tiger some pretend food in a syringe.

Listening to the baby monkey's heart


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