Chi-town with the family!

Daddy checking in here for my contractual yearly post.  We all hopped on a plane again, this time to head back for a long overdue trip to the Midwest for a "vacation".  I use the term loosely since Katie registered for a Board review class (basically 10 hours of class each day Sunday through Friday), and the rest of us had to take care of Theo and Marit.  Thankfully, it what can be described as a Festivus Miracle, Marit finally decided to take a bottle just days before leaving.  Hallelujah, the week wasn't going to be so bad after all!

Grandma and Grandpa had lots of fun things planned to keep the kids busy and on the go.  We tried to go to a reptile house (closed the two times we tried - grrr), but they also had some outdoor exhibits and we timed it perfectly as we got to see the volunteers feeding worms to the snapping turtles!  We went to a great children's museum that captivated Theo for hours, and also went to the Chicago Botanical Gardens, largely because they have a great model train exhibit, as we knew Theo would be excited about that.  And he was, once he figured out what it was he could barely contain himself.

And being back home meant seeing family.  We all got to spend time with my brother Keith and his family, and it was great to have the cousins connect.  As well, we got to see Dani's dance recital, and both Marit and Theo were transfixed!  Also, Uncle Tom and his girlfriend Eve came down to visit for dinner and joined us on an excursion to the local park - one of five that Theo got to explore.

Sorry this is fast and boring, but Mommy is back to working VERY long days and Daddy has his hands full with the kids, taking care of the house, and making sure we all survive the hot summer we are having...but shhh, don't tell anyone, Seattle is always totally rainy and cold.  Til next year....

Theo with his cousins

Off to the Park

Our fearless little one

Quality time with Grandpa

Snuggles with Baby Marit

Checking out the model trains at the Botanical Gardens

Snack time!

Marit meeting Uncle Tom

Reading old school copies of Curious George

Off to the reptile house.....

Oh it closed? to the park then!

Not so fearless after all!

Family Picture

Grandchildren x5!

No matter how old, they still like to rough house with Monkey Seth

Picking rhubarb with Grandma

The master teaching her to take a bottle

He is a natural.

Look at that follow through!

Theo playing the role of big brother

The niece performing at her recital


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