First and foremost, I'd like to announce that I have a new cousin!! Evelyn Marie Weber was born on 4/3/15 at 3:30am and is a little peanut, weighing only 5lbs. 3oz. I can't wait to meet her someday but we've spent a lot of time on Facetime getting to know each other and so I'm sure we'll become best friends soon enough.
Baby Evelyn Marie Weber |
The weather in Seattle continues its beautiful streak with sunny skies and highs in the 60s. We have been taking long walks in the neighborhood so Theo can practice riding on his scooter. He's learned how to coast and ride "real fast." He's only had a couple of spills but bounced right back up. He's a little timid on the downhills and prefers to carry the scooter down them. He stops at (almost) every alley and street to look for cars.
Theo scooting and Mommy and me walking in the back around Green Lake |
On Saturday, we went to the local Green Lake Spring Egg Hunt. Theo was part of the three and under group and he was so excited, he almost skipped breakfast because he wanted to go so bad. When the kids were lined up (parents and grandparents, too), it looked as if it was going to be a free for all but when they said go, all the kids just stood there. Even Theo froze and needed a little encouragement. It was a fun event and Theo got to play on the playground for a while and ride his scooter home.
Theo strategizing before the egg hunt |
On Sunday, the Easter Bunny filled all of our baskets and hid the eggs we made. Theo had fun opening all the eggs and shoving a hand full of jellybeans in his mouth before Mommy could say no. He also did a good job searching for the hidden hard-boiled easter eggs but cracked almost every one dropping them into his basket. Egg salad sandwiches anyone?
Dying easter eggs |
Easter baskets with easter eggs (and lots of c-a-n-d-y)! Theo forgot to put on undies after he saw what the Easter Bunny left for him in his basket. |
4 month development
I had my 4 month check up today, I weigh 15 lbs. and 14 oz. (>97th percentile) and am 25.5 inches tall (>97th percentile). I'm officially "off the charts"! I laughed for the first time this week when I was in the bathtub with Theo and he started kicking and splashing me. I thought it was so funny! I love my activity mat and especially like chewing on the monkey and kicking the owl. I am getting lots of tummy time with my nanny, Anne. I haven't rolled over yet but I can spin around on my back. I take two naps during the day and sometimes a third nap in the evening. I typically go to bed around 8 (and wake up every two hours throughout the night). Mommy usually just turns on the mobile and the music helps me fall asleep (except when I'm starving because I refused to take a bottle all day when Mommy was at work and then she feeds me). I enjoy going for walks (to pick up Theo at day care or around Green Lake), going to the Sounders games, and coo-ing and smiling at Mommy and Daddy. I went to the Ballard pool to watch Theo's swim lessons and can't wait until I'm 6 months old and can start in the parent-tot classes and then Theo gets to move up to the 3-year old class.
Going for a walk in my bunny outfit and bunny booties on Easter Sunday. |
More pictures from the past month (doesn't it look like summer here?):
Thank you Grandma Jojo for our warm sweaters! |
Sibling love |
Walking around Green Lake to the Green Lake Spring Egg Hunt |
Happy Easter (family pic) |
Nervously awaiting the start of the egg hunt |
Ready, set, go! And they're off... |
He got another one! |
Running away with his eggs while eating as much chocolate as he can before I catch him. |
Playing on the swings |
Kicking daddy |
Watch out for that scary man! |
PEPS second time around moms, Amy and Theresa and Mommy with the kiddos |
Dying eggs for the first time |
Theo did a very good job and only dropped one |
Look at our pretty eggs! |
Mommy and me #1 |
Mommy and me #2 |
He found an egg! |
And another! |
Theo found all the easter eggs! |
Thank you Aunt Margo for this beautiful dress (if only Mommy would feed me and stop taking so many pictures)! |
Sibling love |
Easter bunny pancakes |
All this Easter Bunny excitement got me very tired |
Theo showing me how the squeaky toys work on my activity mat. |
Theo building a "big tower" out of Lauri pegs. |
Jumping off the steps |
Cleared 4 stairs and almost stuck the landing! |
Theo scooting away |
Mommy and me #3 |
Theo stopped to throw rocks, so predictable! |
Like father, like son. Matching Sounders sweatshirts. |
I'm the littlest Seattle Sounder soccer fan! |
What are you screaming at the ref about this time, Daddy? j/k (What do you think of my stylish noise-canceling headphones?) |
Watching the water planes take off from Gas Works Park on Lake Union |
Marit #1 and baby Marit with Mommy and Theo at Gas Works Park |
PEPS kids playing with Theo's train table |
We hosted our PEPS second time around group (everyone has an infant and an older child and lives in our area. We met through this awesome program, Program for Early Parenting Support, where the moms and babies met every Wednesday for 12 weeks to talk about different topics and share success stories and challenges of raising a baby, and a toddler, and working, and having a good relationship with your spouse, etc). |
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