On the move

Our little man is 10 months old now and he's mobile! I can't believe he only started crawling a few short weeks ago as he is now cruising around the apartment and pulling himself up on everything he can reach. He loves following his Daddy around the apartment and he's also started using his baby walker and is getting quite good. He loves to pull himself up on the baby gate and watch his Daddy cooking in the kitchen. He's eating anything he can get his hands on and he knows how to shovel it in. He has been having a hard time falling asleep because he loves playing with us after work but he sleeps 12 hours every night so we can't complain. Here are some clips from the past month. Enjoy!


  1. So Sweet. I wonder when he will ask for the keys to the car?

  2. First of all, he is precious. Second, you guys are hilarious. Love the Gagnam soundtrack. LOL.


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