Being a baby is tough

All day I just sit on the floor (I can sit up on my own now) and play with toys. It's a tough job! Now that I can hold the bottle and feed myself, mommy has gotten lazy and lets me make a mess of my milk while I attempt to hold/play with the bottle. It was an adjustment being back in Seattle but I missed hanging out with daddy and sleeping in my own crib.

Other things about me (8 months old now):
I love pureed sweet potatoes and I hate peas. 
I can clap, laugh and scream real loud.
I not too crazy about stranger and I always keep an eye on mom and dad when they are around.
I haven't started crawling but I roll over more now, especially when I'm sleeping which makes daddy nervous.
I love to play with my blocks, football, light-up rings, maracas from Peru, puppets, bouncy ball, and basically anything that goes in my mouth.
I went to my first Seattle Sounders soccer game against the Portland Timbers last weekend. 
I go to sleep around 7:30pm and sleep until at least 6:30am and I still take 2-3 naps during the day.
I could jump all day in my rainforest jumparoo (thanks Uncle Dan)!
I am bigger than most kids my size and so it's easy for me to take things from them (see video below).
I am officially too big for my infant car seat and we need to find a new one.
It's springtime in Seattle and the days are longer, the daffodils are up, the cherry trees are blooming and there is sunshine! Grandma and Grandpa Pastorius are coming to visit next week and I can't wait!

These are clips we have been collecting from Minnesota, Peru and Seattle over the past month (~6 minute movie introducing you to my American and Peruvian family). Enjoy!


  1. That's fantastic, Katie! What a nice job you did. And of course, he's still adorable :)


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