Vamos a Peru!

Bundled up for winter in Minnesota!
We stopped by to surprise Grandma Pastorius in Minnesota for her birthday last week on our way to Peru. She was so excited to see me! Great Auntie Rita threw her a party so we got to see all the great aunts and uncles, first cousins once removed, uncle Eric and auntie Annie, and the puppies too! It was a bit chilly (20 degrees) and it snowed five inches in one day but we bundled up and played outside which was great. I made a new friend - Winnie - Grandma and Grandpa's cocker spaniel. She loves giving me kisses.
The Rocheford family at the February birthday party.
Look! No hands!
Who's taller?
Taking a walk in the fresh snow.

Grandma and Grandpa Benziger drove through the snowstorm from Chicago to St. Paul to see me too!

Hanging out with mommy after our walk.

Great auntie Rita made me this awesome hat!

Sleeping in auntie Annie's arms.

We made it! The plane ride was long but I slept most of the way with an occasional break to stretch, eat, get my diaper changed, and play with mommy. I had my own seat and so we brought the car seat on which was nice and cozy compared to those seats mommy had to sit in.
Sleeping in my window seat on the airplane to Peru,

Peru is hot! It's summer here so I can wear shorts and t-shirts or sometimes just my diaper. It's great!  I love playing with my toes and so the best part of summer is that we don't wear socks! Whoohoo! I have a nanny, Yani, who is on her summer break from college and plays with me while mommy goes to work at Hospital de Emergencias José Casimiro Ulloa and has meetings with researchers at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. Yani and I play on the patio where we get a nice breeze but don't have to sit in the sun. Everyone here speaks Spanish and so I'm learning a few words, "Gordito" and "Gigante" are a few ("little fatty" and "giant", which is what most people say when they see me). We also go for walks around the park in the neighborhood but it was almost 90 degrees today and it was too hot for me. They don't have air conditioning here so it's nice that there is a breeze to keep me cool. There is a swimming pool here too that I can't wait to go in later this week.

This weekend we are going to a country club in the foothills of Lima and there will be pools and lots of animals! The Aramubulo family (Luis, Charo, Beto, Tato and Jorge), whom we are staying with in San Borja, belong to the club and Charo has three sisters who are also coming with their families. In total there will be 13 adults and five kids under the age of seven.

Look at those blue eyes!

I'm a happy baby!

My new nanny in Peru, Yani.

My cool friend, Beto.

Taking a siesta, as they call it in Peru.

Mommy and my room at the Arambulo's apartment in San Borja, Lima.
Getting ready for our walk in the park

The street we live on in Peru. Everyone has gates and security guards but it's very quiet and safe.

A busy street with mototaxis, taxis and a microbus.

Ice cream! Check out the new crosswalk sign with a timer! Since when did pedestrians have the right of way in Lima?!

My patio where is sit and read and admire the garden and feel the breeze but don't have to sit in the sun. It's lovely!

Beautiful flowers

I dropped the book and right after mommy took this picture I fell forward and bumped my head. Ouch!

My big red ball!

Happy camper!

Playing with Nicolas and Victoria on the patio.


  1. Oh my gosh Theo, you have grown. I like the "Gordito" and "Gigante" terms used by our friends in Peru. They are right. Mommy was abig baby too when she was little like you.

    Give lots of hugs and love to the Arumbulos from us.

    Love,grandma and grandpa Pastorius

  2. Look at that sunny sky!! And Theo is gigante!!! I so wish I could be down there with you!!!!


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