Theo is 10

Theo is 10 years old. 

Theo made me a mom a decade ago (or 521 weeks or 3,652 days but who's counting?). 

We celebrated his 10th birthday in conjunction with a classmate and cub scout buddy, Andreas. The boys wanted a big group of friends to celebrate at Chester Park in Duluth because there was a Gaga ball pit there and a field for playing pick up soccer. Theo had a great time even though it was cloudy with a slight drizzle. Every kid (and parents) left exhausted after 3 hours of running around. The kids also went home with a personalized squishimal (the new beanie babies) selected by Theo. 

Theo and Andreas' birthday party at Chester Park
Gaga ball game

Getting ready to blow out candles

Cupcake time!


Theo has grown from a peanut at just over 5 lbs. to just over 5 feet tall! He's into many different activities and keeps us busy! A few of the winter activities include downhill ski racing, Cub scouts, piano lessons, swim lessons, indoor soccer, basketball, playing Nintendo and traveling. The summer activities include soccer, spending time at the cabin, mountain biking, disc golf, camping, aquarium camp, overnight outdoor camp, tennis camp, basketball camp, sprint triathlons, a 5K, traveling, and summer scout outings. He's very responsible and independent. He does his best to please his parents and teachers. He is a hard worker and very smart. He loves math. We are very proud of him and can't believe how quickly he's gone from a super chunky baby who never really learned to crawl to an athletic and speedy kid.  "Skin and bones" some of his soccer friends call him. He eats 5 meals a day (one is always dessert at 8pm) and routinely cooks breakfast for the family (eggs made to order and pancakes). We can't wait to see him continue to grow over the next decade and learn to drive and eventually move out and go away to college. We love you El Jefe!

Here are some ways to describe him from A to Z. 

Theo is:

  • An athletic, amazing agate hunter, amateur astronomer and archeologist 
  • Big basketball player, bird feeder builder and big-time blueberry and banana split lover 
  • Caring brother and friend, confident campfire starter, and casual chef  
  • Developing disc golfer and determined to be a dessert connoisseur   
  • Easy going, early riser and entertaining 
  • Friendly frog hunter and focused fisherman   
  • Goodhearted guinea pig dad, go-kart driver, and gleeful gaga ball player   
  • Healthy, handsome, hard working and highly motivated to move to Hawaii someday 
  • Inquisitive and inventive investigator
  • Jocose National Park Junior Ranger 
  • Knowledgeable knee boarder, water tuber, and boogie boarder  
  • Lovable Lego builder 
  • Motivated math whiz and minnow racer
  • Nature loving, non-fiction reader and noteworthy Nintendo player 
  • Official ocean (shark) lover
  • Popular Pokemon collector, patient piano player and perseverant beginner golfer  
  • Quirky and afraid of the dark
  • Responsible, respectable MTB rider and racer  
  • Strong, skillful soccer ball player, ski racer, stand up paddleboarder and stuffie collector    
  • Tall triathlete and tenacious tennis and tetherball player  
  • Unbelievable mind and big heart
  • Vocal back seat singer, vaccinated and future volleyball player 
  • Wholesome Webelo scout and water lover    
  • Xtremely competitive  
  • Youthful yogi and Yo-Yo-er  
  • Zestful but with a zany sense of humor


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