100 things to do in Duluth

The lighthouse in Canal Park at Sunrise

Duluth has many iconic landmarks but the most famous is the Aerial Lift Bridge that connects Canal Park to Park Point. This was built as a shipping channel in the early 1900s when Duluth was competing for business at the coal and timber docks with the city to our south, Superior, WI. They have since become the Twin Ports and the shipping taxes and profits are shared to foster collaboration rather than competition but the lift bridge remains active. "Getting bridged" is a common phrase for Duluthians who live on Park Point, especially in the summer when the fishing boats, sail boats and other recreational boats try to pass in addition to the large 1000 footer (lake freighters, which are over 1000 feet long and over 100 feet wide and can carry over 75,000 tons - approximately 3,000 semi-trailers). Summer of 2019 was our second summer living in Duluth and the kids and I made a list of 100 things that we wanted to do during the summer. While we didn't accomplish all of them in one summer, we had fun and it gave us goals to get outside and enjoy our new city.


What are 100 things to do in your city?

Duluth Harbor

  1. Plant flowers ✅
  2. Go in a bouncy house - ✅Bubble festival
  3. Swim in a lake -  ✅Balsam Lake
  4. Go on a waterslide - ✅ Sunnyside marina and Great Wolf Lodge
  5. Look at the stars - ✅ Late August aurora borealis
  6. Play in a sprinkler -  ✅ Hidden Valley and the cul-de-sac
  7. Go camping -  ✅ Crosby Manitou State Park
  8. Have a water balloon fight
  9. Have a picnic -  ✅Split Rock Lighthouse
  10. Get a pet
  11. Walk a dog
  12. Visit the Farmer's Market
  13. Go tubing -  ✅ Balsam Lake 4th of July
  14. Fly a kite -  ✅ Cub scouts at Park Point
  15. Go bowling - ✅ Inline Station with Cub Scouts
  16. Play in the water -  ✅Park Point
  17. Go to Hartley Nature Center -  ✅ Camp with Evie, Eleanor and Leo
  18. Go mini golfing -  ✅Barker's Island
  19. Go mountain biking -  ✅ Hartley Nature Center
  20. Go Frisbee golfing -  ✅UMD and Lincoln Park
  21. Go on an airplane -  ✅ DLH to ORD
  22. Go to a museum -  ✅ Field Museum
  23. Plant a tree
  24. Make nature art -  ✅Park Point Art Fair
  25. Play with chalk -  ✅ Driveway
  26. Bike to get ice cream at the Portland Malt Shoppe -  ✅ Marit's first 5 mile bike ride!
  27. Go to Chilly Billy's for ice cream -  ✅ only $14 later...
  28. Play dominoes
  29. Play volleyball
  30. Play soccer -  ✅Congdon Park U8
  31. Make an obstacle course
  32. Go to a beach -  ✅ Park Point
  33. Go to the aquarium -  ✅ Tall Ships Festival weekend and summer camp for Theo
  34. Go to a movie - ✅ Frozen II
  35. Go fishing -  ✅ Balsam Lake with David
  36. Make K'nex - ✅
  37. Build legos -  ✅ Lego City Police Station
  38. Make puzzles -  ✅ 100 piece safari
  39. Make nature art -  ✅ Painted rocks at camp
  40. Paint rocks - ✅
  41. Blow bubbles -  ✅ Bubble festival
  42. Roast marshmallows -  ✅ Cabin staple
  43. Camp in the backyard - ✅attempted in June, will try again next week
  44. Go for a family bike ride -  ✅ Biked with Marit in the tag-a-long to Hartley
  45. Go to a baseball game
  46. Go hiking -  ✅ SHT
  47. Go to the zoo 
  48. Go to a parade
  49. Join summer reading -  ✅ Read 20+ hours
  50. Visit an amusement park - ✅ Mall of America
  51. Watch fireworks -  ✅ 4th of July "budget" version
  52. Make a splash pad
  53. Play monopoly -  ✅Theo always wins
  54. Go to train depot
  55. Have a car wash - ✅
  56. Bike to Brighton Beach -  ✅
  57. Make root beer floats - ✅
  58. Make jell-O - ✅ With Grandma JoJo
  59. Skip rocks in Lake Superior -  ✅ In Grand Marais with Zachar and Dani
  60. Build a sand castle - ✅
  61. Jump in Lake Superior -  ✅Park Point Art Fair with Tommy and Cole
  62. Roll down a hill - ✅ Congdon Park Elementary
  63. Cross the lift bridge -  ✅ Park Point
  64. Eat at a food truck -  ✅ Brighton Beach Art Fair Mexican Food truck
  65. Play hopscotch -  ✅ Driveway
  66. Run in the rain -  ✅ June was wet!
  67. Go on alpine slide go-carts -  ✅ Lutsen and Spirit mountain
  68. Ride the Lutsen gondola
  69. Sunbathe - ✅ At the cabin
  70. Catch a butterfly -  ✅ We watched caterpillars turn into pink ladies!
  71. Stand-up paddleboard -  ✅ At the cabin
  72. Visit Barker's Island -  ✅with Grandma and Grandpa
  73. Go to Park Point -  ✅Art fair
  74. Go to butterfly festival -  ✅ with Grandma and Grandpa
  75. Go to air show -  ✅ with Maya Bishu and got to meet the Blue Angel pilots
  76. Go to tall ships festival -  ✅ Duluth Harbor
  77. Go to the cabin -  ✅ 4th of July before the terrible storm knocked over all the trees on the cabin
  78. Go canoeing -  ✅Cub scouts rank up ceremony
  79. Host a lemonade stand
  80. Go to the Ely wolf sanctuary
  81. Go on the Vista Fleet Cruise -  ✅with the Benziger family
  82. Plant milkweed - ✅
  83. Hike on the Superior Hiking Trail - ✅ By Enger Tower and in Hartley
  84. Visit Jay Cooke State Park -  ✅ For Ragnar race
  85. Visit Gooseberry Falls State Park -  ✅ with the Benziger family
  86. Visit Split Rock Lighthouse State Park -  ✅ with the Benziger family
  87. Visit Tettegooche State Park - ✅
  88. Visit Grand Portage State Park -  ✅with the Benziger family
  89. Visit Temperance River State Park - ✅
  90. Visit Crosby Manitou State Park
  91. VIsit Cascade River State Park
  92. Visit Pattison State Park - ✅ Waterfalls
  93. Visit Amnicon State Park - ✅ Covered bridge
  94. Color -  ✅everyday in the East Wing
  95. Run a race -  ✅ Grandma's half marathon, Brewhouse Olympic Triathlon, Root Beer Kids Triathlon, Wednesday night at the races, Ragnar relay
  96. Do a relay race -  ✅ Ragnar
  97. Have a sleep over -  ✅Marit slept at Natalie's
  98. Make stomp rockets
  99. Start a donation - ✅ Chester Bowl Improvement Club
  100. Say "I love you" everyday! - ✅ 
The many beautiful sunrises over Lake Superior:


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