Decade in Review

Official: Dr. Catherine Benziger, MD, MPH Social media was flooded with people posting reviews of the past decade this week. The 2010-2019 decade was marked by revolutionary changes in public opinion and new trends with lasting effects. From same-sex marriage and legalization of marijuana to polarizing politics and global warming, this decade has been one for the history books. Here is my recap of the decade both from national headlines to personal accomplishments. First, we had our first African American President, Barack Obama, who made sweeping changes to health care in America by passing the Affordable Care Act. Then, in a contentious 2016 election between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump, the President was elected by the Electoral College and not the popular vote and in 2019 was Impeached by the house and is awaiting hearings in the Senate. Gun violence continued to rise with this decade having been the most deadliest in U.S. history. Terrorism continued to cause fear among ...