Busy busy busy!

Busy busy busy!
They say when your kids are older that life gets crazy but this month has been nuts and Theo's only two! It was non-stop adventure and travel in September but it was great (and exhausting). I finally have five (more like 120 as it is now 1am) minutes to sit down and upload the 800 photos from the past month and update the blog. First, we loved having Grandma and Grandpa Benziger come visit us for a week over Labor Day. We hung out in Seattle and visited the local parks, zoo, and Asian art museum. He enjoyed getting Grandpa to sit on the floor and play with his blocks, trains and new cars with him and Grandma to show him (and Daddy) how to cook some family favorites. We finally got our house stripped and painted as well which had taken nearly six months to complete and it looks great!

Planes, trains and automobiles
Theo has been a super traveler - every other week we've flown or driven somewhere and he is always up for the ride. From our family vacation in Alaska to a PEPS camping weekend along the Hood Canal, to a week long vacation at the cabin in Wisconsin and Ann and Chris' wedding in Sauk Center, MN, to another wedding of Heather and Eddie last weekend along the California coast in Mendocino, CA. Our last trip of the year is next weekend when Theo and I head to NYC to visit my brother and some of my friends with my family. I'm 30 weeks pregnant now, feeling great and excited (and terrified) about having to start over with another one just when we started to get in the groove of things with Theo). Theo loves "My suitcase" and proudly carries it around the airport (and will NOT let us check it or let it out of his sight the entire time). He's traveled so much that he has 18,000 miles now on Delta and when we landed he said, "Go bus?" and remembered that we needed to take the bus to the parking lot to get our car. He was able to identify our generic black suitcase on the baggage claim and gets on and off escalators with ease. I'm constantly amazed by what he knows and can do and say and look forward to seeing him continue to grow.

26 month development
He started a new day care and it has been a rough transition. He says "No goodbye, no go work mommy" and cries when I drop him off. The first few days were the worst as he was wailing before, during and after dropping him off but I think he likes it there and it is getting better. His vocabulary has exploded and he comes up with words that I didn't know he could say. We were driving up a hill and he said "Steep hill, Mommy" and when we were checking our bags at the airport and he said, "Go underneath plane." He can count to three, "One, two, three, six, ten" and eventually we'll get the other numbers but this is an improvement from everything being "Two, two, two".
He likes to assert his independence, which is usually in the form of saying "No" to anything that we ask. I've found that if I just re-phrase the question (and sometimes bribe him with bubbles/stickers/juice/iPad/etc) then we can get by without any major breakdowns. He loves to draw and paint and we have some of his artwork from daycare proudly displayed on our fridge. He is still working on the potty training and wears cloth underwear and has 0-1 accidents per day. However, with all the travel we have been using pull-ups "just in case" and he finds this more convenient than gas station and airplane bathrooms (but who can blame him really?) much to Seth's dismay when he has to clean poopy underwear after daycare (sorry babe!). He loves his swim lessons (even though we've missed half the classes this session) and is a fearless jumper/belly flopper. He did get in trouble though throwing kick boards in the pool and then running away from me on the slippery deck. Oh the joys of having a two-year-old.

Around Seattle 
Throwing rocks at Carkeek park
Sliding down the giant salmon at Carkeek park
Watching the train come by at Carkeek park

Leaping into the pool

Riding the carosel at the zoo

Feeding the birds at the zoo

Our fresh new look at 740 N 72nd St! Come check it out!

The last day with the boys and their wonderful nanny, Algena.
First Annual PEPS Camping Weekend - Hood Canal, WA
The responsible ones ;)
Throwing rocks off a rock, typical boy.
Trouble with a capital T.
More Trouble
Sunset over the Olympic mountains and the Hood Canal.
Like father, like son.

Minnesota vacation

Helping Grandpa blow out his candles for his 60th birthday!

Playing with studly uncle Dan

Great aunt Rita

Pastorius family pic

Great uncle Jim and Theo

A walk in the woods isn't complete without a walking stick


A much needed hair cut - $18 well spent in Hudson, WI!
Row, row, row your boat...

Grandpa teaching Theo how to fish

And look what they caught!

The perfect piece of corn - yum!

Driving the pontoon with Grandma

Checking out where to go
Ladies with nothing better to do than go to a coffee shop and playground on a Thursday morning ;)

Ann and Chris tied the knot on the Vogt Dairy Farm in Sauk Centre, MN.

Face painting at the Children's Museum

Boys and their babies

Cousins Lauren and David and Theo.

Pastorius family pic (minus two boys and two dogs)

Weekend in Mendocino, CA

Playing on the rocks along the coast near Mendocino, CA

Big splash!

Filling up the bucket with water

little footprints

Heather and Eddie tied the knot barefoot on the beach at Jug Handle Creek Farm and Nature Center near Mendocino, CA

Theo and momma (29 weeks)

Theo and his new partner-in-crime, Oskar Magnusson (Mac friends, Olof and Magnus' son)

Driving along hwy 1, if only the fog went away then we would have had amazing views!


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